By Jimmynbonnie in Home on 11 September 2019 à 22:57
Ed. Note: This is from Bonnie, 32, my wife of ten years wherein she describes one of her first peeing experiences
Bonnie: When I was an adolescent I discovered that when I had a full bladder, my vagina would also crave attention. More specifically, my clit would demand that I rub it until I came. I would frequently sit on the toilet to pee, and before I let the urine flow, I'd take my fingers and lick them to make them wet and then apply the spit to my inner labia and along the sides of my clit for lubrication and then slowly slide my fingers in a V along it allowing the clit to bulge between them.
When the fingers were at the top of the V, clit bulging out, I'd release my pee, in short bursts, in between rubs of my coochie. I'd try to time it so that when I started to cum I'd release the rest of the pee which would run over my fingers (which were then up inside my vagina) causing a fierce contraction and thunderous orgasm.
I am blessed with a large clit (around the size of the tip of a little finger) and meaty pussy lips which just beg for me or my husband to play with. Sometimes when I'm really horned up and full of pee I hold the lips together when I release causing them to swell up and trap the pee funneling it over my clit and some goes right into my vagina were it gushes out and feels so hot and warm and delicious. Then I finish off with my fingers until I gush with my orgasm.
If my husband is nearby he gets to watch, help, or release his pee onto my clit over the toilet at this point.
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